1.They do not accept the perpetual virginity of the THEOTOKOS,but they blasphemously say that PANAGIA gave birth to more children ,those who are called in the Gospel as siblings of the Lord ,but in fact they were Joseph's children from an earlier marriage to his first deceased wife.
2.They give no honor or greatness to Panagia, as to virtue and Sanctity above all saints, male and female,..but they think She is a common woman.
3.They neither accept that we ask the Theotokos and other saints to intercede for our help and salvation nor that God does miracles through saints' prayers.
4.They do not pray East and they neither make the sign of the cross nor bow in prayer.
5.They do not bow down before Holy icons,neither the Holy Cross nor the Gospel; this means they are like iconoclasts.
6.They reject and regard praying for the dead as totally pointless.
7.They reject and disapprove of confession,a spiritual father's canon and the spiritual father himself.
8.They do not accept the divine inspiration of the Holy Ecumenical Synods,as it is not in their best interests...
9.They do not believe in the change of the sacramental bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ, but they say that it is a common rite which is performed just in remembrance of the Lord's Supper.
10.They believe in the double predestination, which means that God has predestined some people for Heaven and others for Hell.
11.They reject Holy Tradition and Holy Fathers , and they regard the Holy Bible as the only source of revelation..
12.They reject the visible church, that is,the serving church ,and they accept and believe in the invisible and ideal church.
13.They accept Filioque which says that the Holy Spirit emanates not only from the Father but also from the Son .
14.They support the heretical teaching about the omnipresence of Christ's body (ubiquitas).
15.They do not accept priesthood as a mystery, they do not have any priests and they do not accept hierarchy with the orthodox meaning.
16.They accept only two of the seven mysteries, baptism and divine Eucharist ,and they accept in them only the establishing words of Christ ,..thank God they do not reject Christ completely .
17.They reject the Orthodox iconography, they do not want any icons.
18.They believe that man is saved by faith alone ,and the divine grace.
19.They place man's Theosis (deification) in life after death.
20.They believe that Image of God was destoyed and was lost by the fall of Adam and Eve and that man cannot regain it through purification and repentance.
21.They believe that each Protestant is a church on their own ,and that the Tradition and they themselves possess the infallibility ,and also, that each Protestant is a Pope and although we have one Pope in papacy, here we have as many myriads as these people are.
22.They allow priesthood of women and the ordination of homosexuals,and they even ordain...women bishops...
where are you fathers...Chrysostom, Basil,Gregory,Palamas,Kyrillos,
23.They say that Christ is of similar substance to the Father, not consubstantial and of one and the same substance; in other words,they claim that Christ is another substance,!!!!,which is a big blasphemy and our church struggled for this restoration because of this fallacy and blasphemy, and gave big fights,and a lot of ink ,with a lot of blood spilled so that we would be handed over the right thing.
The wicked prowl all around but...
God is our refuge and strength,always ready to help us in times of trouble.Therefore, we will not fear,even if the earth is shaken and mountains fall into the heart of the seas...The LORD of the heavenly armies is with us;the God of our fathers is our protector..............and proceeding in life with boldness and faith,with orthodoxy and orthopraxy,we follow the early fathers and saints and we enter the...territorial waters of their spiritual consideration and blessing,glorifying in truth our one god in Trinity through the help of Most Holy Theotokos, the Mother of God,Amen.
...The choir of the holy fathers, which hath gathered from the ends of the earth,hath taught the single essence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and hath carefully committed to the Church the mystery of theology; praising them in faith, let us bless them saying :
O divine legion,devinely eloquent swordsmen of the Lord's command,most radiant stars of the noetic firmament ,unassailable towers of the mystical Sion,
sweet-scented blossoms of paradise, golden mouths of the Word,boast of Church and adornments of the whole world :
Pray ye in behalf of our souls...... ................................................
Come ,all people, let us worship the one God in three hypostases :
the Son in the Father and the Holy Spirit;
the Father, outside of time, begat the Son,co-eternal and sharing the throne,and the Holy Spirit was in the Father, glorified with the Son;
one power,
one essence,
one Godhead,which we all worship and we say :
"Holy God, You created all things through the Son by the cooperation of the Holy Spirit;
Holy Mighty, through You we came to know the Father and the Holy Spirit came to the world;
Holy Immortal,the Comforter Spirit, You proceed from the Father and rest in the Son;
O Holy Trinity, glory to You.....
MOST HOLY THEOTOKOS save us,your church, your flock, your monks and nuns, your Mount, your nations, the young, this country and its people, and the whole world.Amen
May Panagia be always : help, leader, healer, cooperator, succorer, conductor, illumination, support, reinforcement, adornment, enrichment, supplier of every divine beneficence in your life.
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