GLORY TO THEE ! GLORY TO THEE ! MOTHER OF GOD, GLORY TO THEE ! PANAGIA ! GIVING OUR THANKS WE BOW DOWN BEFORE YOU, MOTHER OF THE MOST HIGH , O MOST BLESSED VIRGIN MARY !!! ---! MOST HOLY THEOTOKOS save us,your church, your flock, your monks and nuns, your Mount, your nation,the young, this country and its people ,and the whole world.Amen --- May PANAGIA be always: help, leader, healer, cooperator, succorer, conductor, illumination, support, reinforcement, adornment, enrichment, supplier of every divine beneficence in your life.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019 Epiphany Epiphany 

Bless, bless and be blessed, 
may Panagia be always with you ,
have a nice week, 
and a blessed new year....
We are spiritually transferred from Bethlehem to the Jordan desert, 
and we will see a new and extraordinary mystery through the eyes of our soul..

Precedingly, we saw an infant ,the most perfect god ,and now in Epiphany we see 
a perfect godman and a strange miracle and spectacle.
In the first place,shepherds and wise men
knelt before the Lord and later on a called servant baptized the Lord. 
Precedingly, angels praised and glorified..:
...glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased...
subsequently, a fatherly divine voice proclaimed the Lord...This is my Son ,the beloved. Listen to him!...

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